Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My Lesson

The reason behind fraud and deceit is dangerous when it is based in greed and prejudice. The pattern has unfolded which details a conscious effort by a community and a oil company to justify hate. The legacy of my Great-Great-Grandmother will continue on despite the effort of these who tried to write her and her decendants off the book of life. It is not just about the oil but there is a deep game that was put into place to deny her future generations to do good and live decent lives.. We have waited for thirty years to find out that the fix was in on her land and the minerals under it. The lake covers some of the richest oil reserves on in the East Texas Oil Field but that was designed to cover up my genreation ever sharing in the wealth of her land. The present officials in the county want me to get a lawyer while the oil company is running out of time and cover-up paper. There are times in the history of a family where the truth will come out, we have been defrauded, swindled, denied, and subjugated to the hatred of a community for no reason other that we are black. I know that in the end we will have redemption but how can that much hate exist in America?

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