Wednesday, December 7, 2011




The consensus is out; we need energy. There are some contenders which run the gauntlet and very impressive; we know what they are. The actual surprise because it has been left out in so many scenarios is the breakthrough material GMZ, Inc. is developing in conjunction with governments and research institutions worldwide. Heat pervades the universe, it is enough or too much, in this case boundaries limit the total utilization of an amazing process. The electronic grid is all invasive; the technological upheaval is bound to it. It is produced with machines but with this new material it is released in the collaboration between a solid and heat, amazing, add heat produce electricity. If it is that simple why the world hasn't took advantage of this breakthrough, solved the energy problem, and reduced the dependence of fossil fuels? They won't let it happen? Who? The team in charge really is not going to say because their vision is subverted.


I not asking for millions to purchase this material in bulk quantities, design on the scale needed to power entire electronic grids world wide, no. It occurred to me that this is one time if you think small, small is all you will concentrate on; flashlights, lamps, any appliance that needs an energy source.

My proposal takes this aspect of real time bulk production to the next level; what are the limits when assigning a ton of the material and heat source and generating electricity or a million tons doing the same thing, just another scale. I'm sure there are obstacles involved that technologically seem insurmountable but the outcome in this case would be worth the effort. Green Fusion on a scale that once Self-Sustainability is achieved will provide the energy source we need to generate the next wave of our civilization and exploration of the cosmos.

Let's go back a way to understand the possibilities of this argument; a lamp.

The premise that is analogous to superconductivity is arrived at in the context of the loop; I'll term the material BAT (Bismuth Telluride Antimony) because it is a home run for humanity, the sequence of Bat-Heat-Electricity-Lamp (Appliance)- Loop is the key. The loop aspect returns the heat back to the BAT which maintains a Self-Sustaining power source. The degradation of BAT will no doubt be a point to consider in the long run but from that level to the Green Fusion solutions will be revealed which will motivate the completion of this proposal. Proposal? Who is going to pay for this? The world is the market, the environment is saved, and humanity is the winner; this will be paid for without a doubt. The trench warfare will begin in earnest if this is a feasible concept, the skeptics and their backers have no interest, so the battle line is already set. But what if this technology does lead to Green Fusion; how can we ignore It.?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Kingpin End Game

I had no qualms about exposing Exxon-Mobil and the details to their fraud at Gladewater Gas Unit #5 in Upshur County, Texas. The flim flam has been ongoing for over thirty years and shows no signs of quitting; total fraud. I notifyed the comapny of my concerns and sent them a Notification of Breach of Contract, last month tomorrow, expressing no regrets or hesitancy on my part to fight for my Royalty Owner rights. I anticipate a no response because the company thinks it is the law and above the law when it comes to paying Black Royalty Owners even though I haven't been paid in the last thirty years my fair market value for the oil or gas on my land. The vast amount of evidence against the company opens up a new atitude about its invincibility; fraud outfront on paper, a strong case. I hope they don't respond so that I can stand up for myself and my family in the arena of public and legal opinion, showing that this is the true side of a super predator and racist organization who has contributed to sixty years of chaos and fraud against my family.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My Lesson

The reason behind fraud and deceit is dangerous when it is based in greed and prejudice. The pattern has unfolded which details a conscious effort by a community and a oil company to justify hate. The legacy of my Great-Great-Grandmother will continue on despite the effort of these who tried to write her and her decendants off the book of life. It is not just about the oil but there is a deep game that was put into place to deny her future generations to do good and live decent lives.. We have waited for thirty years to find out that the fix was in on her land and the minerals under it. The lake covers some of the richest oil reserves on in the East Texas Oil Field but that was designed to cover up my genreation ever sharing in the wealth of her land. The present officials in the county want me to get a lawyer while the oil company is running out of time and cover-up paper. There are times in the history of a family where the truth will come out, we have been defrauded, swindled, denied, and subjugated to the hatred of a community for no reason other that we are black. I know that in the end we will have redemption but how can that much hate exist in America?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

OPEC: Iran Rebuked

What was assumed to be a unification of the Oil/Gas Mafia and OPEC ran into a brick wall as Saudi Arabia put its foot down on this scheme which if allowed to transpire might have catapulted the world economy into oblivion. The stakes were high as Iran made a power play to take control of the world oil trade by blocking OPEC and its crew. The price pushed higher for oil but when Saudi Arabia increased its output to maintain international stability in the market, it settle under one hundred; Iran lost face and was reminded again who is running OPEC. The terroristic aspect looms in the prospect of uncontrolled unilateral hostage of the world energy matrix which has been disrupted by the turmoil in the Middle-East; Oil/Gas Mafia is still the #1 Terrorist Threat to the Planet. This infighting was a test by Iran to feel the greed; it want destroy OPEC or the OiL/Gas Mafia's plan to unite but it slowed it down. It's ironic that this confrontation evolved from the success of the oil swindle going on here in America, how the Kingpin and Oil/Gas Mafia are fleecing our people at the pump, anywhere to do with oil products.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

ENRICHMENT: East Texas Oil Fields

They took everything from us with no regard for law or government. I should be a millionaire so many people say to me after my disclosure on Gladewater Gas Unit #5. It seems that way but when you are dealing with a stone cold predator with trillions in the bank; it ain't easy. Arrogance is the key way describe what this monster exhibits, it told the State of Alabama it wasn't going to pay it nothing for the fraud in their oil fields; it lost the case. The courts layed low for a minute then reversed the $13,000,000,000 judgment down to less than $5,000,000,000 all at the behest of the Kingpin. Its like fighting the Supreme Court here in Texas with a two year law student the way the way the rulings have been in the company's favor throughout the last forty years, there are a few settlements but those never made it to court. I would have to go down to Upshur County, turn my oil well on, sell it myself to get any action from the regulatory body here in Texas; Exxon-Mobil has put the fear in it. Still no response from my Senator, Kaye to busy for me. I discovered structured development in the Haynesville Field which systematically left my lease out of the oil and gas bonanza; patterned enrichment. Lee put the law down to conceal his fraud at the lease and to ensure that Rex would not be the fall guy when /if my ramblings stirred up any notice that a swindle has gone down for the last thirty years in Upshur County. In my years of examining this Breach of Contact I really waited for the accumulative production in the field to prove that Gladewater Gas Unit #5 didn't share the same opportunities as other units in the Gladewater Field due to the fact that I am Black. Kingpin can take that and put it in its pipe and smoke it! There are all ways to defraud but time will reveal field dynamics when it is oil and gas, some will be enriched and others, in my case will be denied enrichment; destiny but no wealth. Lee made his point to stop my family but we are still here, what is left of us, he want destroy our destiny or succeed in this diabolical scheme at Gladewater Gas Unit #5, Wells, 1 & 2.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Listen Congress

Who let them in Congress? We got to have our tax billions! Us and the Henchman will have your heads, we don't like America; never did their motto.
Why partake in the destrucion of civilization where no one comes out on top?
We have a evil killing President just waiting for them to cross that line, yeah the 11 week line that will make or break America. Like I said," Oil/Gas Mafia #1 Terrorist Threat to the Earth." Breach is the key word.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Kingpin Press Release

America can kiss our rich ass, may the price of everything oil or gas keep going up. We will run this country, tell your Leader don't bother with trying to stop us. Tricks.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Traders: Oil

What about the small group of traders who control the oil swindle that is kicking the price of gasoline up everyday? The feds know they are under control of the Oil/Gas Mafia and they are afraid to act against their fraud; I thought you knew.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Oil/Gas Mafia Wages War

The timing is just right to end any recovery for the world economy; that is the main idea. Raise the price of gasoline or fuel world wide to ensure that the depression will continue and the power elite grows richer. Oil/Gas Mafia is the #1 Terrorist Threat to this world.

The Kingpin, Exxon-Mobil, is set to break all profit records since the beginning of history. Its crew, Oil/Gas Mafia, is not far behind in reaping unheard of wealth in this petro scam

How high can it Go?

Gasoline or Food?

What will be left? The swindle is aggressive and nonstop in the extreme predatory nature of the Oil/Gas Mafia; Big time crooks!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Henchman Speaks Out

He finally got orders from his handlers to speak out, he blamed the gasoline rackets on the President and global warming with afterwords from some of his flinkies. The world will wake up to this fraud a minute to late; who will be blamed then for us not recognizing the number one terrorist threat; Oil/Gas Mafia. The war against us recovering from the depression is now being taken to another level, the prize is world freedom. This act of aggression is being done right in our face and no one in a position of power is speaking out about the coming break down of civilization.

Monday, March 7, 2011

No Fear

The government is going to let the economy be destroyed by the Oil/Gas Mafia. The gasoline scam is running full speed and the government is looking the other way. It would be different if the money was helping us but it is going into the vaults of the rich and richer. I knew it would go donw like this because the government has no heart when it comes to the Oil/Gas Mafia, they scared of Exxon-Mobil. It is some weak ****.

Friday, March 4, 2011

High Fuel Prices

From the air to the ground the prices are going up; who is winning? It is not the consumers because it takes away from our earnings and business is a sure loser in this outrage by the Oil/Gas Mafia. The Feds are silent; must be paid off already.